.. _custom_images: ------ Configuring custom render timeouts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This feature is available from Visionect Software Suite 6.3.0 onward. It is possible to have a custom render timeout for a session, instead of using the default value. First you need to get the current session settings by calling .. code-block:: html GET /api/session/{UUID} Adding ``RenderTimeut`` field inside the ``Fields`` fields will set the session to render every N milliseconds. To apply the changes, make: .. code-block:: html PUT /api/session/{UUID} and add the JSON as the body payload. Returns: Promise, which is resolved ether with ‘Error’ or with the device file checksum string. Example: .. code-block:: json { "Uuid": "3e38a775-7c83-4c2b-9065-937500000000", "Backend": { "Name": "HTML", "Fields": { "ReloadTimeout": "0", "RenderTimeout": "1600", "url": "http://example.com" } }, "Options": { "Beautify": "pretty,gamma=1.1", "ChangesAutodetect": "true,threshold=0", "DefaultDithering": "none", "DefaultEncoding": "4" } } This will set the session render timeout ot 1.6 seconds. Configuring custom memory (RSS) limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This feature is available from Visionect Software Suite 6.3.0 onward. It is possible to have a custom RSS memory limit for a session, instead of using the default value. First you need to get the current session settings by calling .. code-block:: html GET /api/session/{UUID} Adding ``ResourceLimits`` field inside the ``Options`` fields will set the session to restart, if its memory consumption reaches over the specified amount (in MB). The ``ResourceLimits`` field accepts parameters, separated by a comma. To se the memory limit, use the ``memory`` argument and set it to an appropriate value. For example, setting a sesstion to 50 MB RSS limit, the value of ``ResourceLimits`` would be ``memory=50``. To apply the changes, make: .. code-block:: html PUT /api/session/{UUID} and add the JSON as the body payload. Returns: Promise, which is resolved ether with ‘Error’ or with the device file checksum string. Example: .. code-block:: json { "Uuid": "3e38a775-7c83-4c2b-9065-937500000000", "Backend": { "Name": "HTML", "Fields": { "ReloadTimeout": "0", "url": "http://example.com" } }, "Options": { "Beautify": "pretty,gamma=1.1", "ResourceLimits":"memory=50" "ChangesAutodetect": "true,threshold=0", "DefaultDithering": "none", "DefaultEncoding": "4" } } This will set the session RSS limit to 50 MB.