Uploading custom display images, file-system support#


This feature is available from Visionect Software Suite 3.2 onward.

Uploading custom images

Uploading an image file to the Visionect client device. The function takes a base64 encoded PNG image and uploads it to the electronic paper sign. The server transforms the PNG image to the device image format before uploading it.

okular.SetImage(target, name, imageData)
  • Target device UUID string.

  • The name parameter should be set to “disconnected”, as only changing the disconnected image is currently supported.

  • An imageData base64 encoded PNG image in the data URL string format

Returns: Promise, which is resolved ether with ‘Error’ or with the device file checksum string.


okular.SetImage(okular.device_uuid, "disconnected", "").then(function(result) {
      console.log(result); // Success: print uploaded checksum
  }, function(err) {
      // Error: Maybe retry later.

Displaying a list of files on device

The API allows the user to list the files located on the device:

  • Target device UUID string.

Returns: Promise, which is resolved ether with ‘Error’ or with the object, containing a file list in the following format:

{"filename1":{"checksum":  string, "size": string }, "filename2":{"checksum":  "...", size: "..." }, ... }


okular.ListFiles(target).then(function(result) {
      console.log(result); // Success: stuff worked!
}, function(err) {
      // Error: Maybe retry later.
// Output: {"disconnected.pv2":{"checksum":"1960206407","size":"74975"}}