Place & Play CMS

Introducing the Place & Play CMS, a cutting-edge content management solution tailored for e-Paper devices. Developed on top of the Visionect Software Suite by Visionect and partners, this CMS seamlessly integrates with our Place & Play e-Paper displays. It’s an all-in-one solution, combining integrated e-Paper device management and content control.

Embrace the new era of the e-Paper signage experience — a smart, SaaS-based approach to digital content management.



A license is needed for every device. One month of free license is included with every purchase.

Signing in

Use your browser to navigate to the server address that you have received by email. In the same email, you should have also received the username and a link to create your password. Now it’s a good time to set it up.

  1. Enter your username and click Continue
  1. Enter your password and click Sign in