Visionect Firmware#
The release notes cover the changes to the Visionect Firmware and implications for end users. Please consult these before upgrading to the new firmware.
Firmware version 6#
Release 6.20.4230#
- Improvements:
TPS61160 driver added
Added RS9116 SAPI timeout handler and optimized SNTP process
Added RS9116 async callback to detect AP Beacon loss
Improved software trickle charging logic in case of poor USB cable
Optimized debug printouts to get more space for Place&Play32/42
Fixed CC3100 version printout
Fixed PP32 battery screen for display type C298
Touch, proximity and button events blocking fix
Release 6.19.4203#
- Improvements:
Fixed conn_scan output for RS9116
Added display update count to status packet
Always charging logic update
Extended WiFi mode CLI command to support switching RS9116 between Fast PSP and Enhanced max PSP
Changed status_get CLI command printout
Fixed assert in bootloader when using autocomplete help
Release 6.17.4168#
- Improvements:
Updated TLS certificates
Fixed wrong return value in M2M TCLV (171) read command
Added Place & Place 6” / RE 1.6.1 support
Release 6.16.4144#
- Improvements:
Added Place & Play 6” RE 1.6.0 and Place & Play 6” 1.6.0 support and integrated two new waveforms
Configurable broadcast filtering for RS9116 WiFi module
Release 6.13.4080#
- Improvements:
Added battery charging command (charging can be permanently disabled)
Added support and a waveform for the new 42” display
Added tool for appending TLV metadata to waveform files
Disabled Enhanced Max PSP Mode for RS9116 WiFi module
Release 6.12.4065#
- Improvements:
Added PP32 2.1 B2 support
Five devices retirement
Release 6.11.4055#
- Improvements:
Significant display update speed improvement on AC devices
Release 6.10.4047#
- Improvements:
Enabled WiFi Band and Autoconn TCLVs for remote access
Introduced USB and BLE CLI logging filtering. By default, amount of this data sent over BLE is drastically reduced
Reworked connectivity mechanism
Optimizations for RS9116 module
It is possible to obtain BSSID of connected Wi-Fi Access Point
Release 6.9.3947#
- Changes:
Increases sound level on PandaAC devices
Supports new Joan 6 revision 2.5 B2 devices
Supports new display on Place & Play 32 revision 2.x devices
Removed support for Quad versions: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2
Removed support for PandaDS versions: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3
Removed support for VTablet versions: 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 1.0.0
- Fixes:
Fixes Ethernet re-connection on Joan 6 pro and PandaAC
Fixes live-view on Joan 6 pro rev 1.5 devices (with RS9116 WiFi module)
Firmware version 5#
Release 5.26.3758#
- Changes:
Replaced MM with TLSF allocator for duktape
Release 5.25.3747#
- Changes:
TCLV_ID_EPD_COUNT upper limit
Added TCLV for changing the server IP/URL and/or port
- Fixes:
Fixed unwanted connection teardown when connecting with JS API
Release 5.24.3744#
- Changes:
Partial update checking changed
TCLVs for setting display configuration remotely accessible
File system allocator now in external SDRAM for AC targets
- Fixes:
Connectivity driver switching fix
Fixed connection and battery charge status reporting in JS API
Release 5.21.3712#
- Changes:
Changed proximity chip threshold parameters
Release 5.20.3702#
- Changes:
Disable shipping mode when connected to VSS
Release 5.19.3667#
- Changes:
Revert to previous battery voltage to percentage curves
Integrated new CC3135 service pack
Release 5.17.3617#
- Changes:
Updated EPD serial number LOT num parsing
Added JS API for bidirectional unicode handling
Integrated touch firmware with improved responsiveness
Battery screen update every 30 seconds - needed for Joan 13 EMC compliance
Added JSE Eval TCLV
Added display R323 to PandaAC targets
Removed PandaAC 1.4 B1 (hardware not yet available) and VTabletAC 1.0 B0 (obsolete) from build
Large file download/upload PV3 error mitigation added to thin client
- Fixes:
Sleep TCLV with 0 minutes assert fix
Failed JS application upgrade fix
CC3135 WiFi module WPA3 not working fix
Fixed IS25LP256 Flash size define
Release 5.11.3513#
- Changes:
Integrated new CC3135 WiFi module service pack
- Fixes:
Fixed asserts on PandaDS devices when buttons are not enabled
Firmware version 4 - “safeguard”#
Release 4.10.2775#
- Fixes:
Fixed a critical issue on Visionect system board 32” version 2.0.0
Fixed: first frontlight command from server was rejected (Visionect system board 13”)
- Changes:
Removed support for Visionect System board 32”, versions: 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 1.0.0
Removed support for Visionect 9.7” tablet
Release 4.8.2775#
- Changes:
Greatly improved link stability of 3G and 4G mobile connectivities
Inserted USB cable disables shipping mode as long as it is inserted
- Fixes:
Fixed watchdog reset in case mobile link was connecting to the server more than 10 minutes
Fixed BT advertising
Release 4.5.2732#
- Fixes:
4G: driver stability improved (sleep/wakeup transitions)
Fixed: Joan 6” frontlight fade slower
Fixed: Remote file read (zero file length case)
Fixed: Increased shipping mode power consumption on Joan 6 with BLE
Release 4.3.2666#
- Fixes:
Fixed: Joan 6” v2.3 did not enter sleep mode when frontlight was disabled
BLE: changed advertising data content
BLE is now disabled in shipping mode
Release 4.2.2651#
- New features:
Added support for Visionect System Board 32”, v3.1 BOM 0 (4G mobile)
Added support for Visionec System Board 13”, v 2.1 BOM 1 (4G mobile + WiFi)
Added support for Visionec System Board 13”, v 2.1 BOM 3 (4G mobile)
Added support for Joan 6”, v 2.3 BOM 0 (BLE, high contrast Carta EPD, frontlight, reduced power consumption)
On-device Text2Speech short string on button press
Added free and total FS size info into the status packet
Release 4.1.2484#
- New features:
PV3 protocol: introduces AES128 security and async messaging.
CLI: autolocks after 2 minutes of inactivity
Improved power consumption up to 10% on Joan 6”
Status packet: added information about used WiFi security type (WPA2, WPA2 enterprise, …)
Greatly reduced ghosting on Place&Play 32
Added TCLV to read IMEI from the mobile connectivity
Improved stability of mobile connection in some corner cases
Firmware version 3 - “road runner”#
Release 3.42.2365#
- Changes:
Fixed: mobile connection: Increased ‘RSSI good’ timeout from 40s to 80s.
Release 3.39.2365#
- New features:
Added option to lock CLI (block all CLI commands) with a password.
Added a CLI command for clearing the Ethernet MAC address.
- Changes:
Fixed: partial updates randomly reboot the device.
Fixed printout of the tclv_dump command on Visionect system board 32”.
Mobile connectivity:
Fixed a case where the connection falls into connect/disconnect cycles.
Improved connection stability, especially if data was transmitted and received at the same time (e.g.: device sends a status packet and at the same time server pushes an image)
Slightly improved data latency.
Release 3.36.2253#
- New features:
Added support for Polara button MUTE control via GPIO.
Added support for Sign 6” 1.0.3.
- Changes:
Fixed: image display for 42” was blocked.
Improved EPD controller handling on sync errors.
Fixed: WiFi certificate description deletion.
Release 3.35.2253#
- Changes:
Fixed black clean image display on Place&Play 32”.
System Board 13”: Enabled internal pull up on button pins.
Increased the default Text2speech module timeout from 1 to 5 seconds.
Release 3.34.2218#
- New features:
Support for Place&Play32 1.1 BOM 0.
- Changes:
Fixed: Battery screens for Place&Play32
Fixed: Image display on Quad with 42” EPD (#459)
Fixed: Potential image corruption in case of connection error
Fixed: Button event transmission
- Known issues/limitations:
Observed very rare image corruption during connectivity instability
Release 3.32.2185#
- New features:
Reject partial update after reboot, wakeup or battery screen.
- Changes:
Extensions (front-light and heater) do not work with temperature limits enabled
Improved power consumption on System boards 32: v0.6.0, 1.0.x, 2.0.x during associate state.
Fixed an instability when the device sent the status to the server and at the same time received an image from the server.
Button event timeout if there is no external temperature sensor connected.
Fixed rare image update error.
- Known issues/limitations:
Observed very rare image corruption during connectivity instability
Release 3.30.2150#
- New features
Added support for text to speach on Visionect System Board 32”.
Show blank white screen if temperature is out of range.
Added target System board 32” 2.0 BOM 2 with support for File System in external flash.
Improved connection stability especially on frequent image updates with short heart-beat intervals.
Enabled TCLV remote control of external battery logic.
- CLI commands improvements:
show help on second TAB press,
help content is now sorted,
commands are case insensitive.
- Changes
Fixed display of custom disconnected image.
Fixed autoconn 0 CLI command.
GSM fix: prevent watchdog reboot in the unlikely event where GSM module becomes unresponsive.
Fixed FIN-ACK disconnect issue on the new WiFi module.
Fixed system temperature reading on System board 32”, version 0.3 BOM 1.
- Improved power consumption when using mobile connection with System boards:.
2.0 BOM 0
2.0 BOM 1
2.0 BOM 2
1.0 BOM 1
Release 3.26.2006#
- New features
Added option to display “disconnected” image instead of “battery empty” one. See CLI documentation, command sys_conf_set
Added autocomplete functionality to CLI
Added m2m mode
Release 3.25.2005#
- New features
Added roaming support on mobile connectivity
- Changes
Improved button stability during image download. Relevant for Visionect System Board 9.7”/13.3”
Improved upgrade stability of System Board 32”. Relevant for HW version >= 0.5
Release 3.23.1984#
- New features
Added voltage monitor for external battery on System Board 32”/42”
- Changes
Improved System Board 32”/42” upgrade robustness and speed
Fixed sporadic warnings on System Boards 32”/42”
Improved error handling of invalid images
Release 3.21.1958#
- New features
Implemented battery gauge.
Support for the text2speech module (Visionect System Boards 9.7’’/13.3’’).
Added support for Joan classroom.
- Changes
Speedup DHCP process on ethernet connection.
Fixed server side disconnection handling.
Fixed “PV2 timeout was always 5 seconds” setting on WiFi connection.
Fixed exception that might occurred after several disconnections.
Release 3.18.1868#
- New features:
Added static IP support for Place & Play 6” (applies to HW version 1.0.2)
- Changes:
Visionect System boards: standby input connected to internal pull up (previously was floating)
Release 3.14.1622#
- New features:
New battery screen design.
Added a setting and the TCLV to force the border update on OneThree.
Ethernet connection: increased max DNS length up to 42 chars.
Extended wifi password to 64 chars (except for Visionect System Board 9.7”/13.3” and First generation Visionect Sign 6”).
Minimize inter-panel vertical stripe on 42’’ EPDs.
- Changes:
Fixed display driver instability on a slow connectivity (GSM).
Mobile data connection: improved connection startup time.
Fixed VCOM warning messages on CLI.
Fixed reporting of width and height on First generation Visionect Sign 6”.
Optimized power consumption on System Board 32” (v0.5.0, v0.6.0, v1.0.1, v2.0.0, v2.0.1).
Fixed possible image fading on the System Board 32” v2.0.x.
Optimized power consumption in sleep mode for the OneThree.
Fixed reported I2C NACK error on CLI for the OneThree.
Fixed exception if user executed status_get CLI command in shipping mode.
Fixed issue with PV2 collision if the image is pushed during heart-beat transmission.
Release 3.11.1622#
- Changes:
Improved mobile connection startup time (applies to some mobile providers)
System boards 32” and 42”: fixed startup warning message about VCOMs out of limits
Release 3.9.1622#
- New features:
Added support for the GTIN number
Added support to fix border color in settings
Release 3.8.1622#
- New features:
Added support for System boards 32” 2.0B0 and 1.0B1
Added support for the Place & Play 13”
- Changes:
Fixed display driver instability on slow connectivity (GSM)
Release 3.7.1622#
- New features:
Added support for System boards 32” 1.0B0 and 1.0B1 (new DPU)
Added setting for disabling/enabling extension to prevent I2C errors on console on System Board 9.7”/13.3” and System Board 32” 1.3B1 (by default the extensions are disabled!).
Added front-light sensor value reporting in status packet
Added standby switch on System boards 32”
Added new wpa2eu setting to disable device side certificate authentication in WPA2 Enterprise mode
Enabled CLI commands for GPS
System Boards 32” (>0.5B0): added option to measure an external voltage and send it via status packet
- Changes:
System boards 32”: send external temperature in status packet before any image is drawn
Fixed wrong IC type message before image update
Fixed border support
Fixed default front-light table
Release 3.3.1622#
- New features:
Added custom button support for system boards 9.7” and 13”
Integrated waveform for 32” display
System Board 32” rev. 0.5+: support for front-light off indicator
Added setting to disable battery beeps
- Changes:
Mobile connectivity: improved connection stability when files are uploaded to device
Mobile connection: fixed modem power handling on connection disconnects
Mobile connection: prefer 3G over 2G
System board: improved frontlight postfilter and prefilter calculation for small values
- Known issues and limitations:
System Board 32” (hardware version 1.3B1): in rare cases reading temperature from external sensor might fail. In this case the temperature from the Board will be used during image update.
Release 3.2.1622#
- New features:
Added support for 42” EPD
User buttons wake up the device from a deep sleep
Enable border support for all 13” EPDs
- Changes:
GPS enabled by default for targets with SIM5320
Fixed exception if invalid static IP was configured and DHCP was disabled
- Greatly reduced image load and display times:
System board 32” (ethernet): 70%
System board 9,7” (ethernet): 37%
2nd Generation 6” sign: 16-31%
System board 13” (WiFi): 7%
Firmware version 2#
Release 2.11.1512#
- New features:
Added support for user buttons (Visionect System Board 32”).
Added support for Visionect Sign 9.7”, BOM2.
Added button press statistics into PV2 status packet.
Added mobile connection type information (GSM, WCDMA) into PV2 status packet.
- Changes:
Increased EPD update timeout to 50s.
Decreased power consumption in ‘always on’ mode.
Inverted standby switch logic.
Release 2.5.1512#
This release is for Second generation Visionect Sign 6” (HW 1.0 BOM 2) only.
- New features:
New TCLV for reading currently used (compiled) display type.
Added target for Second generation Visionect Sign 6” (HW version 1.0 BOM 2).
Added support for custom clean sequence before image update.
Print CRC of successfully flashed bootloader.
Print image process time profile.
Added CLI commands.
Added TCLV functions.
- Changes:
Fixed display of WFM frequency on some waveforms.
Changed CLI commands.
Changed TCLV functions.
Release 2.1.1512#
New features
Added CLI commands
CLI command |
Description |
touch_test |
Enables touch coordinate printouts for production testing |
cc3100_mac_address |
Show WiFi module’s MAC address |
cc3100_scan |
Performs scan on Wi-Fi CC3100 |
cc3100_fw_upgrade |
Force Firmware upgrade |
cc3100_format |
Formats the CC3100 SPI FLASH |
scpu_fl_pwmlim |
Sets the cached (on MCPU) front-light PWM duty cycle limit setting |
Added TCLV functions
TCLV command |
Description |
Write: Play RTTTL song [text]. Read: play status: 0=Idle, 1=Playing |
Force connection establish. Read requested connection status |
Read connection status |
Application name |
Connectivity support: bit0=Wifi, bit1=Ethernet, bit2=Mobile |
Connectivity drivers: see CLI command conn_type_list |
Disable connectivity for N minutes |
HW version: ID, Major, Minor, BOM |
Application version: Major, Minor, Revision |
Bootloader version: Major, Minor, Revision |
Device UUID |
Application ready status: 0:Not ready, 1:Ready |
Reboot device |
Jump to application |
Connectivity FW version |
Touch FW version |
If 1, device successfully sent status packet to server, 0 otherwise |
Fix: Fixed touch power-up handling (may improve power consumption on some devices)
Fix: Error handling for writing to constant TCLVs
Fix: FW reporting of broken firmware (application and bootloader)
Fix: GPS ID in status packet
Enhancement: Support for RS9113 FW 1.6.4
Fix: RS9110 default DTIM skip set to 200
Enhancement: Default ethernet connectivity timeout set to 10 sec
Enhancement: System conf set error handling for devices with no touch
Fix: Replaced EPD init code for EPD ED097TC1 9.7’’
Fix: RS9110 Disabled full power mode prior transmission
Enhancement: Integrated WFM 320_R133_AD5F01_ED133UT2C1_TC.wbf
Enhancement: RS9110 listen interval command has separate API
Enhancement: Added printout when battery empty
Enhancement: Touch test mode for production
Enhancement: Support for custom disconnected screens
Enhancement: TCLV_ID_CONN_TYPE: immediately apply new connectivity
Enhancement: W5500: improved socket closing (FIN sent)
Fix: device put to sleep if battery empty regardless of the disconnected screens
Fix: sporadic duplicated battery screen update
Fix: connectivity off if going from battery ready to empty
Enhancement: Seamless TCLV command and parameter handling
Enhancement: Add remote read only tag to TCLV_ID_SYS_SHIP_MODE
Fix: CC3100 asserts replaced with error handling
Enhancement: Added support for CC3100 SPI FLASH format via CLI
Enhancement: SIM5320: Support for WCDMA IMT 2000 and WCDMA 850 band selection
Enhancement: Added target for VT2 ver 1.0 with CC3100 module instead of RS9113
Fix: NACK for GPS command if not supported,
Fix: Response transmission for sleep command
Fix: RS9110 prevent locking of module in higher consumption state
Enhancement: Touch events dropped during battery screens
Fix: CC3100: Fixed open mode security connection
Enhancement: CC3100: Added EAP support.
Fix: configuration read for TTLS/MSCHAPV2
Enhancement: CC3100: integrated FW
Fix: RS9113: Support for fast PSP (automatic power save mode switching) for FW 1.6.1 and above
Enhancement: Roaming TCLVs
Firmware version 1#
Release 1.24.1257#
- New features
Added support for System Board 32” 1.0
- Changes
Increased HReady timeout to 15s
Updated fw_version_get CLI help
GPS related commands not shown in help if GPS not enabled
Reduced sleep timeouts for USB cable detection
Release 1.21.1257#
- New features
Touch events dropped during battery screens
- Changes
Fixed RSSI reading on mobile connection
Improved stability of mobile connection
Fixed stripes during first image update after EPD powerup
Battery undervoltage handling in case of server frontlight control fixed
Heater powered off if external temperature sensor is disconnected
Release 1.12.1257#
- Changes
Fixed EPD rails power sequence on System Board 32”
Release 1.9.1257#
- New features
WiFi: added command for background scan
Added support for disabling/enabling accelerometer via CLI during sleep
Added wifi and mobile settings to TCLV
Added wifi EAP settings to TCLV
- Changes
Optimized Wi-Fi driver timeouts
Panda DS : improved WiFi stability
Touch coordinates on first generation Visionect Sign 6” fixed
Fixed crash in shipping mode
System Board 32”: Improved power consumption shipping mode is enabled
Fixed extended ethernet settings
Fixed battery images for first generation Visionect Sign 6”
Roaming settings exposed via TCLVs
USB cable detection updates battery screens immediately
Set default heartbeat interval to 4 minutes
Fixed image load in 4bpp mode when image size was not dividable by 4
TCLV: setting touch enable/disable via TCLV also switches ON/OFF touch
Firmware version 0#
Release 0.5.9#
- Changes
Improved WiFi stability with some APs
Release 0.5.7#
- Changes
Fixed display type CLI for big numbers
Release 0.5.5#
- New features
WiFi: added command for background scan
- Changes
Optimized Wi-Fi driver timeouts
Fixed sporadic touch upgrades after device power-up